Ghost Fish

A work in progress personal project inspired by new concept art from the Haunted Mansion Parlor and Rolly Crump.

This idea struck when Disney released some new details about the Haunted Mansion Parlor. There was a piece of concept art that Disney Imagineer Rolly Crump drew over 50 years ago. His original sketch has been reimagined by Imagineers as an aquarium piece that will be on display in the parlor. As soon as I saw this concept art I fell in love with the look of it and wanted to create my own version.

Taking inspiration from the nautical appearance of a weathered steel frame and brads, I began to model my own interpretation using Shapr 3D. Tho my tank won’t be filled with water, I still created a groove going around the entire take to slide plexiglass into to help sell the illusion. Once all the pieces are 3d modeled and printed, I will assemble and paint it to give it a more finished look.

For the “ghost fish” I plan to use a classic illusion technique, peppers ghost. By simply creating a compartment on the bottom of the take, two iPad screens will rest screen side up. This will reflect the “ghost fish” off another piece of acrylic that’s nestled inside some 3d printed rock caves and other fishy artifacts.