Moana - How Far I’ll go
For the second year in a row I created a projection for my girlfriends other favorite Disney movie, “Moana.” Transforming the entire living room into the island of Motunui was so much fun to create! This was an idea I started the year prior but got too ambitious and wasn’t able to complete it in time. I’m so glad I was able to see it through completion this year!
Video size: 5,545 x 1080px
I began with some sketches and then after selecting the song I would use I created a rough layout in After Effects for how I wanted the video to play out. Utilizing both hand draw elements like the waves with some sourced assets, I was able to combine everything into the final piece you see here.
For this projection I had 4 walls and over 375 sqft to cover. I went with a 3 projector setup to cover all my angles and decided to cover the TV with a white sheet since I wasn't planning to use it. I utilized MadMapper again for this project and setup was much easier the second year in a row.